

雷锋的英文演讲稿 篇1

Hello everyone, today my topic is "let lei feng live in our hearts forever"

Another in March, in the spring season, always reminds us of a person, his life is very short but more fresh and bright, the practice is not great but shine with the brilliance of the eternal, -- he is a lei feng, a outstanding communist party member.

Chairman MAO said: "a man to do a good deed is not difficult, difficult is a lifetime only to do good, don't do bad things" lei feng travel to Anton good do a train, and began to help the conductor is clean sanitation, then help the eldest sister-in-law of lost ticket ticket, help elderly aunt to find son, but when other people start to ask his name when he says "I called the people's liberation army, has lived in China" in fact, we can see the lei feng's story is not great, but my dear classmates these ordinary thing you ever do that? ! Have you stooped down to pick up scraps of paper from your white sneakers? Have you ever sat on a bus? Have you ever shown a warm smile to the people who gave birth to you? What if you don't even do that? As long as the life of the screw, as long as the limited life into the infinite for the name of the service, your reality is great, is glorious!

Comrade lei feng was born poor, he is generous and stingy for material, the army military uniform, but each two sets of his as long as a set, he said: "I still can wear uniform filleted, now, I think wearing a set of clothes with patches is better than when I was a kid of tens of millions of times, that the rest of the two sets of I leave to the state." And his socks are always patched up, and his wash-basin enamel has fallen off and not willing to replace it, but now we? In such an era of the rich, we more and more high to the requirement of material, even said some harsh, but we had thought, when we throw away those clothes how much still no new clothes? How many children have no food to eat when we throw away half of our bread? When we sleep in the bright classroom, have we ever wondered how many children have a thirst for knowledge, but no one CARES about it? Is the richness of life a reason for us to be happy? Do we still remember that the true youth belongs to those who race to the top?< ="">

Race to comrade lei feng in 22 years of his short life to our interpretation of the meaning of it, in the era of lei feng's students he was not a result of the best students, but she is the most efforts, the most active student, he said: "the nail has two advantages: one is crowded jin, a was." That lei feng, joining together the momentum he first joined the young pioneers and into the communist youth league, finally became a glorious of PLA soldiers but even so he still pulled out a small part in the monthly allowance to expand its own small library. So what is the reason for the future successor of the country not to cherish this difficult learning opportunity? Make yourself a nail and work towards your goal!

Is really worthy of our study is not necessarily all had great feats, around us there are many many people who like lei feng, I believe in the beauty of the spring attached to each a flower! Not pay to return to measure, do not regard value evaluation is good, let sunshine and warmth to illuminate and warm the whole world, we must believe that lei feng's ordinary each of us can do it, lei feng's great each of us as long as you work hard can do it! I want to believe that lei feng is with us, we should believe that each of us is a lei feng, I should believe that lei feng is around us, we live in our hearts!

雷锋的英文演讲稿 篇2

Hello, everyone. Today my topic is "let lei feng be no longer lonely".

Lei feng's name, we are well known; We are familiar with lei feng's business; Lei feng's spirit we continue to carry forward. But is it really spreading?

Since March 5, 1963, chairman MAO zedong's inscription "learn from comrade lei feng", every year on March 5, we will carry out lei feng activities and learn the spirit of lei feng. But what have we done to others? How much have we done to society?

At the end of the day, we can only have two succinct and tragic words: comrade lei feng is not registered, and he will leave in March. For half a century, lei feng's name sounded so familiar but so lonely. We're not just asking what's going on here?

Perhaps, more and more cold reality covered our eyes, we have become suspicious and sensitive, significance and value in doubt disappeared, delay in action and the practice in question falls to help the old man will not be framed bump, the compassion donation will not only a form, for is in the professional performance, more and more doubt let us struggling, some exclamation LeiFengRe in also.

But we should be more aware that there are many such examples around us. A major student who has given up a decent job to help leprosy survivors; Li guoxi, the most beautiful migrant worker who has sacrificed for the rescue of three drowning people; There are also the most beautiful mother wu juping who instinctively reached out for the girl who saved the building. The darkness of the world can't stop the light of a candle.

When children can't afford to going to school in the help of project hope to see the dawn of the knowledge change destiny, when western rings remote mountain village primary school classroom teaching is a love song, when hundreds of thousands of book of Qingdao fundraising dust plays moral movement. What are you doing? There are things we can do, hands up, you're approaching that great soul.

Lei feng, such a young warrior, did not have any power to turn the tide of the great work, nothing earth-shattering feat, never stopped the gun eye, never stopped the startled horse. But he is sincere, kind, loving, with a short life, answered the eternal question rooted in the essence of life: "how to be a person, for who live."

As long as everyone like lei feng, everything is good for others, things are beneficial to the society, with small into more, from now on, in the future, in the near future, let lei feng is no longer lonely.

雷锋的英文演讲稿 篇3

If you are a drop of water, do you moisten an inch of land?

If you are a ray of sunshine, do you brighten the darkness?

If you are a grain, do you nurse useful life?

If you are one of the smallest screws, will you stick with your life forever...

Every time I think of lei feng, I think of this paragraph. How many people look back on the past and regret for their inaction, and mourn for the past. How many people can be like lei feng, forever so full of love, always so sincere and kind, always like a small screw.

Today's world due to the high speed development of economy showed more open space, however, we have hot heart began to become indifferent, some shouldn't change things are: family cold, living together on the first floor, neighborhood meet strangers; Friendship has soured, convenient and convenient for others, and a pass for mutual use. Once upon a time, the example of admiration, worship and learning that we have admired for decades has been regarded by more and more people as idiots.

However, no matter how the time and space changes, the fundamental elements that determine the progress of mankind remain unchanged, and the good things that humans are pursuing at all times have not changed. Though the spirit of lei feng is forgotten by more and more people around us, in more places in the world, lei feng is admired and studied by people of different colors. Lei feng spirit is the most precious spiritual wealth of human beings with the power of transcending time and space.

An American businessman said: lei feng spirit is human should have, should carry forward the lei feng spirit to the world. In order to learn the attitude of lei feng to his career, learn from lei feng's hard study of the nail spirit, learn from lei feng's concern for people, love, support, and understand human qualities.

A Japanese entrepreneur sighed: "lei feng did so many good things in his early 20s, becoming a great hero and contributing to mankind. Learning from lei feng without borders, introducing lei feng spirit into our company and applying it to production practice will change the mental outlook of employees and produce a huge effect.

Westerners, like us, give lei feng the highest praise: "lei feng spirit lives with god."

For more than 40 years, lei feng's name was inspired us to generations growth roadmap, for more than 40 years, the development of the old and the young China is booming, however, lei feng's name but as we live in a nice and slowly away from us.

Some doubt, some laugh, some people, however, no matter how many changes and confusion, we experience his name should be forever engraved on our mind, he should be the spirit of our work and life eternal guidelines.

At any time, lei feng's support for the people, love the job, active in marriage and thrift are the quality of our continuous learning. Lei feng's spirit is not affected by time and space limit, no matter how modern science and technology developed, no matter how to change people's way of life, lei feng and sincere love never is to the world of human desires of that kind of warm, like sunlight become eternal human needs.

In life, we need to lei feng's spirit, only our own play to the spirit of helpful, kind and we can help and respect from others, to feel real happiness in the interaction of sincerity. A moment see only their interests are difficult to experience the joy in life, there is only one true happiness, that is to pay for others, to do this you will get the highest honor life.

In the future work, we need the spirit of lei feng, we should be like lei feng to love the work, assiduous study, diligent and thrifty, the work as its own responsibility.

A country, a government, can never lack the spirit of lei feng. Only by developing the spirit of serving the people wholeheartedly, can the government really win the hearts and minds of the people. Almost the entire development of human civilization depends on the efforts of such people. They are not thinking of their own interests at all times, but the interests of all the people. Every country is looking for its own "lei feng", each army is looking for its own "lei feng". Lei feng's spirit can affect more than one person, a country. Today, lei feng's spirit has become all mankind to work hard and practice the spirit of every nation and country are looking for and to develop more lei feng, because we have the whole development of human civilization will be because there are more such people and become a better place.

Over the years, for many people, not interested in whether our own learning lei feng, but foreigners learning lei feng, is interested in west point if there is a statue of lei feng, rather than us how many lei feng. But, however, the hero should not be forgotten, lei feng spirit should not be forgotten.

B: a nation without heroes is a sad nation. But a nation that has a hero but does not respect, does not cherish, is a poor people. Lei feng is a common hero of our ancient land. Lei feng never left us, but we have been away from lei feng several times.

Yes, for decades, great changes have taken place in our life, we don't wear clothes with patches, can not stand the hungry, don't like lei feng, after so much suffering. But we should not forget him. At any time, he should be our role model, when we need the spirit of lei feng. We should understand and respect him. No matter how colorful our life is, we can never lack the care and love for others and the world in lei feng.

Lei feng should always belong to China. Lei feng's spirit should be the spirit that every Chinese should have, no matter what industry you work in and what kind of work you do. Only in this way can we surpass ourselves and surpass others. Our country can make progress, and our life can be better.

"Helping others" is not just a slogan we learn from lei feng, but we need each of our classmates to take action and try to practice it. "You are happy, so I am happy" should be the idea of each of us, because you know that helping others is happy, it brings you satisfaction and pride. Even if not named, you will also get a double joy, that happiness is urging you pointer, is to guide you in the direction of the tour guide, but also the power of led you out of the adversity, that happiness is to that others cannot understand. Learn from lei feng in March 5, not only should also start from the life of every little thing at ordinary times, let sunshine more bright and beautiful in March, let people around him more happiness, let lei feng's spirit from generation to generation, let living lei feng in our everyone's heart.